
Moog is one of the world’s biggest manufacturing brands – since inventing the electrohydraulic servo valve in 1950, Moog has become an integral player in numerous industries, including aerospace, motorsport and industrial machinery.

Moog’s UK division has been headquartered in Tewkesbury for over 50 years, but the company was struggling to be relevant to its British customers in a new digital age.

A new dawn for the UK

Previously, all Moog communication had been distributed via its globally focused social media accounts, so it was difficult for local audiences to relate to it and for the Tewkesbury-based marketing team to track any leads or interaction that came from the UK.

We changed that by developing an organic content strategy that to reach distinct stakeholder audiences, and introduced new social media channels specifically for the UK as a result.

Much of the content on the existing Moog channels was very product-led, and didn’t mean much without a wider engineering context, so our content strategy aimed to relaunch the business to the UK audience by focusing on Moog’s technology in action. This included developing video content, from the creation of new videos about emerging technology to repurposing existing global content so that it was more pertinent to the UK market. 

Our strategy has revolved around case studies and enabling customers and local stakeholders alike to see the end result of a Moog solution. With this in mind, we set up Moog’s first press day in its 50-year history in the UK around its motion base technology, making the company more approachable while introducing them to a variety of new industries.

  • A racing driver sits in a driving simulator with technology by Moog

Strategy in motion

While working with Moog, we’ve embarked on focused paid campaigns to reach out to key decision makers. With changing legislation around data, we helped them migrate their outbound marketing from email to LinkedIn. 

One example was our campaign around Moog’s involvement with the Wimbledon court roof and its actuator service, which resulted in a 65% clickthrough rate between our LinkedIn and Google Ads campaigns – far higher than any campaigns they had run in the past. Later, we harnessed LinkedIn’s lead generation capabilities to drive direct action and connected their sales team with as many new leads around a single product in six weeks as they would have received in one year. 


Establishing a global best practice 

Since introducing a UK-specific social media content strategy for Moog, our ongoing work is now being used as best practice throughout the entire organisation, with Moog’s branches in Italy and Australia following suit. 

The company’s general social media channels frequently share content from the UK and our approach has inspired wholesale change, as the channels frequently share posts that contextualise Moog’s products in action, with more focus on case studies, webinars and showcasing Moog’s products out in the greater world

A Moog technician adjusts a blade testing solution in Denmark
A Moog apprentice tests a valve at a workstation