• E-commerce website on tablet


James Ashe, Managing Partner

James Ashe, Managing Partner

92% of Website Visitors Don’t Intend to Make a Purchase

According to recent research, an overwhelming number of consumers visit a brand’s website to do anything else but make a purchase – so why are sites so focused on first-time conversions?

Think about the last time you wanted to make an online purchase. When you visited the website, did you find and purchase the product you wanted straight away? The answer is most likely no – and the vast majority of people agree with you. 92% of us won’t make a purchase when we visit an ecommerce website. According to the same research, 45% of customers visit a website to research the product or service they’re after on their first visit, and 26% are simply there to compare prices.

If your customers aren’t likely to buy something on their first visit, how can you ensure that you get the sale in the end? It’s important to make sure that your website is one that people actually want to return to. A good customer experience is at the heart of all transactions, so websites must be easy to navigate, with a simple shopping and checkout process.

However, as customers are faced with more and more choice, a great site isn’t always enough. Knowing how people are using your website, and what they’re likely to come back for, can help to guarantee that final purchase. There are numerous web tools out there that will not only show you how long a user stays on a page, but where they scroll, where they hover and what they’ll click on. From there, you can work out what information you need to include – for example, would a reviews section help people to make a purchase?

It’s not just about having that insight on the page, either. Featuring rich, helpful content across a number of different mediums is vital to help customers convert. Think about the type of content you’re putting onto social media – instead of just shouting about offers, think about showcasing new and upcoming products and sharing news about products within your industry.

GAME, the video game retail chain, do this well, featuring short news blasts about different products in between various memes and videos. Posts that are specifically about a product they offer are actually in the minority, and the content they post encourages users to come back again and again.

Retargeting should also be an option, but used sparingly. This works best in tandem with an existing campaign, rather than simply pushing products onto your customers again and again. Retargeting people on social media is usually more effective than retargeting via display advertising, and often cheaper – as the ads are appearing in a trusted space, shoppers are usually more receptive to them. However, dropping prices in retargeting adverts should be avoided – if you continue to drop your prices, then that’s what customers will expect.

As per usual, the key to securing that sale is rooted in best practice. Focusing on your customer experience, while providing the best information possible, will help to push people past that first visit and back onto your site to make the final purchase.

Ready to take your e-commerce to the next level? Read on:

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# Web Design, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce